NOTICE: This is an application for a "Claims-made" policy. Coverage for prior acts and claims made after termination of this policy may be restricted. Please read the policy carefully.

I. General Information

(Write separate mailing address in margin, if applicable)

Entity Type:
1. List all firm personnel/staff (Part-time is fewer than 20 hours per week):
  CPA's Non-CPA's
Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time
Owners, Partners & Officers:
Employed Accounting or Tax Professionals:
Other Consulting Professionals (not included)
Administrative Staff:
Total: {{GeneralInfo.CPATotalFullTime | currency:"":0}} {{GeneralInfo.CPATotalPartTime | currency:"":0}} {{GeneralInfo.NCPATotalFullTime | currency:"":0}} {{GeneralInfo.NCPATotalPartTime | currency:"":0}}

Predecessor Firm means any firm no longer in existence for which the applicant firm obtained the majority of such firm’s assets and liabilities.


Firm Name Date
Date Dissolved
(If applicable)
Confirm the following:
1. Dissolved
2. Name Change
3. Continue to Exist
Percentage (%) of
Applicant Firm
#{{$index + 1}}

City and State:
6. Based on the Applicant’s fiscal year-end data, provide the following gross revenue figures:
7. Complete the following grid for your three largest clients as a percentage of gross annual revenue for the past 12 months:
Name Industry Services Provided for Client Percent of your Revenue Derived from Client Number of Years you have Represented
#{{$index + 1}}
8. Complete the following grid based on the firm’s gross revenue for each category: The total must equal 100%
Type of Client Percentage of Practice Type of Client Percentage of Practice
Small Public Companies (<$100m revenues )
Individuals-High Net Worth(>$10M)
Large Public Companies (>$100M revenues)
Small Private Companies (<$100m)
Trusts (>$5M)
Large Private Companies (>$100M)
Other: (please specify):
{{GeneralInfo.GR_Total | currency:"":2}} % %

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